Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture
Project partner
Aurex, Bratislava, EIPOS- European Institute for Postgraduate Education at the Technical University of Dresden, Department for Spatial Development, Infrastructure and Environment Planning, UT Vienna, Regional Planning and Regional Development Section, Institute for Spatial Development Brno, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Time frame
1999 - 2001
Project website
Project description
The transnational research project aimed at gaining solutions to cope with structural weaknesses of traditional industrial regions of the central and eastern European countries. Furthermore a common exchange of experiences between municipalities (especially small and medium sized towns) in regions undergoing structural changes and the regional players has been established. Transnational solutions concerning structural changes and their economic, social and ecological effects have been initiated.
Service catalogue
- Participation in preparing the field study for Austria
- Supporting the Declaration of Leipzig "The future of industrialised cities and regions"
- Suggesting measures
- Participation in preparing three international network conferences coordinated by the Institute of Ecological and Regional Development Dresden