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Agenda "Urban Regions in Austria"

ÖROK - Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning
Project partner
Department for Spatial Development, Infrastructure and Environment Planning, UT Vienna, Regional Planning and Regional Development Section
Time frame
2014 - 2015
Project description
In the scope of "Agenda Urban Regions in Austria", the department for Spatial Development (TU Wien) and mecca develop positions and key parameters for the Austrian agglomeration policy. "Agenda Urban Regions in Austria" gives a framework for decision makers and urban actors in order to establish and develop urban cooperation.
Guiding Plan for Nordraum Wien
The "Regional Guiding Plan for Nordraum Wien" is supposed to ensure the coordinated spatial development along A5, S1 and A22. The project ...
Supporting the STEP Working Group „Clearing & Governance“
In the process of developing the Viennese Urban Development Plan (STEP 2025), mecca supported the working group „Clearing & Governance“.