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KPFnet - Quality Management for Small Project Funds

Government of Lower Austria, Regional Development Agency Industrieviertel
Project partner
Regional Development Agency Industrieviertel, Regional Development Association Central Lower Austria, Regional Ranagement of the Mostviertel Region, Regional Management of the Waldviertel Region, Regional Management of the Weinviertel Region
Time frame
2005 - 2006
Project description
KPFnet aimed at improving the professionalism and harmonising the small project funds in Lower Austria and its neighbouring regions. During workshops, standards for project consulting, project support and quality management have been developed. Additionally mecca prepared supporting documents for applicants and consultants.
Service catalogue
  • Preparation of information folder
  • Moderation and documentation of all project workshops
  • Toolbox for applicants
  • Conception and programming of the project website incl. project database for internal administration and external presentation