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Projects > Cross-border Cooperation (

Interdisciplinary Summer University Westpannonia

University of West Hungary (Sopron)
Project partner
Department for Spatial Development, Infrastructure and Environment Planning, UT Vienna, Regional Planning and Regional Development Section, West Pannon Regional Development Agency
Time frame
2007 - 2007
Project description
The project aimed at establishing interdisciplinary, cross-border structures between important educational institutions (University of Sopron, University of Technology Vienna, University of Applied Sciences Wr. Neustadt). Educational goals of the course are to build: cross-cultural skills, knowledge on geography, history and economics of the border region, regional institutions, regional policy, EU project management, endogenous regional development, tourism, teambuilding and lobbying in the EU.
Service catalogue
  • Project management and coordination support
  • Development of the summer course design
  • Preparation of teaching material
  • Support of implementing the summer school
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