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Environment & Energy



The opportunity of agriculture to provide renewable energy illustrates its central role to achieve sustainable economic activity as a solution for environmental problems.

mecca provides:
  • Assistance in pilot projects
  • Cooperation, creation and supervising networks
  • Creation of thematic maps

Mobility Management

The issue of mobility is an essential key to achieve national and international climate protection goals, but until now it was not sufficiently considered in the regional context. Mobility management influences traffic demand through information and consulting, but also through better coordination of offers, which motivates traffic participants to change their mobility behaviour. Alternatives to individual transport, which are public transport, pedestrian and bicycle traffic, car pooling and car sharing, are pointed out and strengthened locally through a broad range of possible measures.

mecca provides:
  • Monitoring of planning processes and pilot projects
  • Conception of regional mobility managements
  • Project management

Renewable Energy

In the context of globally increasing energy demand, global climate change and the uncertain energy supply in the future, the energy system will change considerably. The use of renewable energy and the development of resource-conserving forms of housing schemes play an essential role.

mecca provides:
  • Analysis of energy efficiency of housing schemes, streets, districts and regions through estimation of housing and housing scheme types
  • Development of controlling tools and praxis-oriented evaluation tools for energy efficient housing schemes
  • Creation of broad regional energy strategies

SME Sustainability Consulting

Until now there are only few small and medium-sized enterprises, which have made the effort of creating a sustainability report. mecca is one of them and was awarded for its sustainability report in 2010. We want to show, that there are appropriate representation methods also for SMEs and would like to develop our sustainability report to a central element of strategic corporate management , to express our claim for professionalism. We do not only want to talk, research and write about sustainability, but would also like to stay authentic and be an example through integrating sustainability principles in our enterprise.
mecca supports you with creating your sustainability report and offers funded consulting through the ÖkoBusinessPlan Vienna. You can find further information on the homepage of ÖkoBusinessPlan Vienna (/en/view/ajax/diverses/openLink/?url=39 )

SME Energy Efficiency Check

The roughly 280.000 small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in Austria have a huge economic potential to save energy and reduce greenhouse gases through this: Estimations of individual consulting show potentials to cut down greenhouse gases by 20 % to 30 %, depending on the branch.
mecca advises small and medium-sized enterprises in commercial economy, who want to make use of this saving potential. This qualified and independent energy efficiency consulting is funded through an “Energy Efficiency Check” of the SME Initiative.

mecca provides:
  • Initial consulting:
    • Investigation of savings potentials of the enterprise, identifying weaknesses concerning use of energy
    • Concrete recommendations and measures to increase energy efficiency
    • Consulting about possibilities for financial aid
  • Consulting for implementing one or more concrete energy efficiency measures in the enterprise

Climate and Energy Regions

For the implementation of climate friendly strategies of regional development new partnerships, business models and customer relationships are becoming essential.
mecca provides a broad service ranging from building up a climate and energy region to concrete projects:
  • Comparative analyses of (inter)national best-practice examples of energy regions
  • Development of multi-governance-mechanisms for comprehensive action in terms of energy demand reduction, climate protection and –adjustment
  • Development of participation processes to involve citizens and enterprises
  • Development of structural measures and instruments for spatial planning and regional funding policies
  • Creation of a regional climate and energy strategy with medium- and long-term goals as well as development of measures and projects
  • Training courses, demonstration projects
  • Detailed energy and emission analysis (in the context of a working group)
  • Analysis of current energy flow and its use (in the context of a working group)

Environmental Survey

Environmental surveys are preconditions for the sustainable implementation of projects, plans and programs. The basis is the wide and complex national and European legislation, which demands considering the interests of abutting owners as well as the involvement of different environmental specialist fields.
mecca provides:
  • Creation of expert reports in the fields of spatial planning, landscape architecture and nature protection
  • Effect analyses, cost-benefit-analysis and expertise
  • Development of environment compatibility statements
mecca has a strong network of partners for developing and implementing (international) projects. We work in close cooperation with Scardobona , our partner company in Sopron (Hungary) and our partners in the Centre of Regional Competence.

Best of Projects:
RegioInfopoint SKAT 
Smart Mobility Region Weinviertel-Záhorie 
Strategy for the Economic Area Weinviertel-Záhorie 
Planning the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Austria-Hungary 2014+ 
RECOM CZ-AT Project-Workshops  
Fostering the Multilateral RECOM Network