Space & Region
Spatial Planning
We support countries, regions, municipalities and other public institutions in implementing spatial development strategies, regional strategic plans, regional development strategies and micro regional conceptual frameworks.
mecca provides:
- Development of basic concepts
- Preparation of maps and graphics, suggestions for illustration
- Organisation and moderation of workshops with relevant actors
- Creation of summaries
- Public-oriented illustrations (publications, presentations, folders, websites etc.)
Regional development and intercommunal cooperation
We support regions, associations, municipalities and other public institutions in coping with new challenges like the demographic change, the regional and communal competition around population and companies, the international location-mobility of companies, the influence of globalisation and European integration as well as the decreasing financial room-of-activity of public households. In this context we focus on involving all regional actors.
Solutions such as intercommunal cooperations are effective strategies to meet these challenges.
mecca provides:
- Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Risks (SWOT)-analyses
- Organisation and moderation of workshops with relevant actors
- Development strategies and business plans for cross-border activities within the context
- Support of intercommunal cooperation for exercising sovereign duties and municipal duties in the private sector
- Support of urban and regional networks
- Support of project and investment societies to implement regional undertakings
- Support of micro regions, Euregios, Regional Managements etc.
Public Management & Good Governance
The European Union has adopted the principles of Good Governance in her program. In a White Paper about “European Governance / Europäisches Regieren” (2001) the European Commission defines the following aims:
- Upgrading the role of cities and regions in the process of policy formulation on the European level
- Creating a European Identity: making the EU more participatory
- Institutionalizing more transparent decision-making
mecca provides:
- Organization and moderation of workshops
- Creation of summaries and public-oriented illustrations (folder, websites, publications etc.)
- Creation of participation processes, which involve citizens and companies
Tourism is an important factor of a region’s economic development. In the context of increasing international competition the integration of tourism areas and at the same time strengthening specific characteristics and cultural identities of the regions is indispensible. We support this process through plans and strategies in terms of conservation of natural resources and environment compatibility as well as in accordance with different interest groups.
mecca provides:
- Touristic potential analyses
- Development of touristic strategic concepts and integrated touristic strategic plans on an over-regional level
- Development and implementation of touristic strategic projects, such as bicycle-, hiking- or horse riding networks including labeling and information material
- National and natural parks
- Funding aspects and consulting
Cartography and GIS
With geo-information it is possible to depict space-related data in maps or online platforms and communicate them in a vivid manner. In this context the central data management plays an essential role.
mecca provides:
- Research, combination and actualization of space-related data in a web-based geo-database with an SQL-interface
- Preparation of data in a geo-information system
- Support of public administration in geo-data management
- Content conception and implementation of cartographic forms of expression, digitally or analogue
- Implementation of basic elements of a map, creation of web layouts of maps and explanations as well as interactive programming through an ARGE project partner
Environmental Survey
Environmental surveys are preconditions for the sustainable implementation of projects, plans and programs. The basis is the wide and complex national and European legislation, which demands considering the interests of abutting owners as well as the involvement of different environmental specialist fields.
mecca provides:
- Creation of expert reports in the fields of spatial planning, landscape architecture and nature protection
- Effect analyses, cost-benefit-analysis and expertise
- Development of environment compatibility statements