ÖSIB- Criteria Catalogue for Ecologically Sensitive Areas
Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Managment
Project partner
Stadtland - Engineering Office for Spatial Planning, Regional Development, Landscape Planning and Landscape Conservation, Trafico, Enviroment office Leutgeb, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna
Time frame
1999 - 2000
Project description
In the course of the project, a criteria catalogue has been prepared, to serve as the basis for decision-making in order to safeguard sustainable development of society and economy. The following principles have been considered:
- Political relevance (communicable in politics and public)
- Practicability (plausible criteria, clear indicators, available basics, comprehensible argumentation)
- Professionally well-founded and methodologically confirmed (clear implementation instructions incl. counterindicators)
Service catalogue
- Preparation of the criteria catalogue
- Taking part in the team of experts