EREG - Endogenous Regional Development in Border Regions
Government of Lower Austria, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Managment, Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture
Project partner
EUREGIO Weinviertel-South Moravia-West Slovakia, Department for Spatial Development, Infrastructure and Environment Planning, UT Vienna, Regional Planning and Regional Development Section, Austrian Institue of East and Sotheast European Studies (OSI), Vienna, Slovak Environmental Agency
, Szent Istvan University, Budapest, Brno University of Technology
Time frame
1996 - 2001
Project description
EREG pursues the following goals and tasks:
- Creating a common planning basis with focus on highlighting the specific regional development potentials in the field of tourism and the conditions for preserving and developing the cultural landscape
- Establishing an information hub for the entire border region with information on project initiatives and an overview of information sources on both sides of the border in order to create synergy effects and joint projects
- Supporting regional governments and management in evaluating project ideas. In particular with a view to the cross-border aspects
- Developing strategies for projects with a cross-border impact and supporting their implementation
Service catalogue
- Project development and project management
- Event Organisation
- Supporting the planning process
- Setting up a network of cooperating Austrian, Czech and Slovak institutions in the fields of spatial planning, regional development, environment, education, tourism and agriculture
- Implementing pilot projects in the fields of agriculture, tourism and economy
All references with: Hannes Schaffer
All references with: Hartmut Dumke
All references with: Petra Hirschler
All references with: Hartmut Dumke
All references with: Petra Hirschler