Academic Course on Renewable Energy in Central and Eastern Europe.
Energiepark Bruck
Project partner
Danube University Krems, Department for Spatial Development, Infrastructure and Environment Planning, UT Vienna, Regional Planning and Regional Development Section, University of Mosonmagyarovar
Time frame
2003 - 2005
Project website
Project description
The sector of renewable energy has grown rapidly in the last years. The demand for experts and know-how in this field has increased as well. In order to meet this demand -especially in Central and Eastern Europe- a university course on renewable energy was set up. As an initiative from the City of Bruck and der Leitha as well as the UT Vienna, in association with the INTERREG advancement fund of Lower Austria and the Ministry for Business and Work, the first MSc programme was successfully launched in 2005. mecca supported the conceptual development of the course and the overall project management.
Service catalogue
- Concept for the feasibility study
- INTERREG application
- Project management