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mecca Science

mecca science
mecca drafts studies concerning spatial issues and can contain:
  • Analysis of the current 'status quo'
  • Integration of existing strategies, legal conditions and general trends
  • Case studies

Workshops with clients and key stakeholders can be organised for preparation of the study's contents. Based on these results strategies, theses, roadmaps, measures, directives, etc. are developed by mecca. mecca can also carry out an evaluation of the results from a development perspective. From these results we can produce a set of achievable, sustainable recommendations. The presentation of the information will be in both document and graphical form.
KOBRA+ Urban-Regional Cooperation Bratislava
Based on drafts for spatial and functional development designed in the previous project KOBRA key measures and functional zones have been identified ...
Space and Energy Potentials in Eastern Austria
For the first time, the energy potential from renewable sources such as biomasse, wind and geothermal have been measured in Eastern Austria. ...
EGTC - Information and Training Package on the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation
The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) is a new Community legal instrument at the service of cooperation between European regions ...